不仅仅是矩阵——TV One发布全新4输入HD-SDI板卡和升级固件

时间:2012/12/13 来源:专业视听网

关键词: 矩阵、板卡

  专业视听网报道:ERLANGER, KY,  December 13, 2012 – TV One推出全新4输入HD-SDI板卡和C3-340 CORIO®matrix升级固件。
  TV One C3-340 CORIO®matrix是业界独一无二的矩阵,该矩阵采用模块化设计,具有16路输入/输出板卡插槽,并可实现输出分辨率任意调整和特效切换功能。此外,TV One C3-340 CORIO®matrix的CORIO2处理引擎可对输出的任意信号进行上/下/交叉转换。
  TV One C3-340 CORIO®matrix独特的DVI-U接口模块为用户提供了多种输入/输出信号源的连接,极大地提高了现场的使用效率。仅需一个转换头,就可轻松地兼容如下信号:CV、Y/C、YUV、RGBHV、DVI-D和HDMI。
  C3-340 CORIO®matrix 4输入HD-SDI板卡可提供4路独立的SD或HD-SDI信号,是DVI-U和3G-SDI输入板卡有效输入数量的二倍。与输入板卡同时发布的CORIO®matrix最新升级固件也可下载使用。1.44版升级固件增强了C3-340 CORIO®matrix的特性,使其从视频矩阵成为完整的音视频矩阵,并可对加嵌到HDMI和SDI中的音频信号进行路由切换。如,将Input 1输入的HDMI信号音频解嵌,与Input 2输入的RGB视频信号进行加嵌,通过Output 1输出HD-SDI视频信号。这项功能极大地提高了C3-340 CORIO®matrix的音频处理能力。除了可使用加嵌的音频信号,也可使用外部的模拟或数字音频信号。通过C3-340 CORIO®matrix 音频选配板,可对音频信号进行加嵌/解嵌,甚至在 C3-340 CORIO®matrix系统内建立一个独立的8x8音频矩阵。
   About TV One Broadcast Sales Corporation
TV One is a subsidiary of Nortek, Inc. a global, diversified company whose many market-leading brands deliver broad capabilities and a wide array of innovative, technology-driven products and solutions for lifestyle improvement at home and at work.
Please visit www.nortekinc.com for more information.
TV One specializes in video, audio and multimedia processing equipment, based on its proprietary
CORIO video conversion technology. Located in Erlanger, KY with offices across the globe,
TV One manufactures a complete line-up of products for the professional and broadcast video market.
TV One has operations in Europe, USA, Taiwan, China and Latin America. For additional information,
contact Charles at TV One, 010-5158-2163 charles.cao@tvone.com.  
About Nortek, Inc.,
Headquartered in Providence, RI, is a leading diversified global manufacturer of innovative,
branded residential and commercial ventilation, HVAC and technology products. Nortek offers a broad array of products, including technology offerings, in audio, video, access control,
security and digital display mounting and mobility products.  

